Click on the links to find more information for patients.
Disabled access
Practice premises are adapted for patients with disabilities, including single level consulting suite, wheelchair facilities, hearing loops and large print notices.
Medical education
On occasion, nursing or medical students may attend the practice. We hope that you will co-operate with us and help the students learn about general practice. However, you will be informed of ... [continue] Medical education
NHS health information
There is plenty of information to help you manage your health on the NHS website. These buttons will take you to different sections of the NHS website and you can ... [continue] NHS health information
NHS Tayside
We hold a General Medical Services (GMS) contract with NHS Tayside, Ashludie Hospital, Victoria Street, Monifieth, Dundee, DD5 4HQ. Tel: (01382) 423000 e-mail: Details of our contract are available ... [continue] NHS Tayside
Date published: 08/10/2014
Date last updated: 03/12/2014